Statement to Membership

We wish to issue the following message to members of Blueberry River First Nations as we know that you are hearing things and we want to set the record straight. We also want to emphasize that we are sending this message as a majority of Council. We, the majority, are united in a single aim: to ensure that our treaty …

Cultural Feedback Meeting Summary

The BRFN Cultural Feedback Meeting held on March 1 is now summarized . The meeting covered the cultural goals of restoration projects and what priority cultural features & uses the community Members agreed on. Read the Meeting Summary

Pink Mountain Reciprocal Restoration Program

Blueberry River First Nations (BRFN) Legacy Seismic Restoration Project at Pink Mountain aimed to restorelegacy lines within our Treaty Land Entitlement selection area, an area of high cultural significance for the Nation. The report was prepared with the financial support of the Petroleum & Natural Gas Legacy Sites Restoration Program, on behalf of its funding partners the Province of British …

Site C: Indigenous Led Beaver Harvest

Interested Blueberry Band Members can participate in a supported traditional beaver harvest, Saturday, April 15 to Wednesday, April 19. This is an Indigenous led event being held with BC Hydro’s support at the future Site C reservoir. Funding is available to support Blueberry Members’ involvement. For more information click here.

Blueberry River First Nations launches new brand and website

BUICK, B.C., March 8, 2023 – Blueberry River First Nations (Blueberry) has unveiled its new brand, which includes a modern logo and a new website: The new brand elements symbolize Blueberry’s traditional and cultural way of life, while the new website is an important tool for communicating developments and updates to Blueberry members and the wider public at this …