Departments & ServicesDepartments & ServicesEducationTogether with the parents and the child we are working towards the development of all children in all areas of learning and living.Learn MoreEmploymentComing SoonLearn MoreFamily Support ServicesThe Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) of British Columbia, Canada provides services through ministry offices and several delegated Aboriginal agencies.Learn MoreFinanceAdministration of finance and general office functions, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, audits, budgeting.Learn MoreHealth ServicesWe offer Addictions Counselling and Medical Transportation services to Band Members.Learn MoreHousing &Public WorksWe maintain all BRFN facilities and infrastructure and provide service to membership regarding their home and property. Learn MoreLandsWe strive to ensure all our workers have the same high standard of environmental awareness. Learn MoreRestorationWe identify, implement, and monitor culturally appropriate ecological restoration throughout the territory.Learn MorePost-SecondaryWe recognize the importance of providing moral support, advisory services, and financial assistance to our Band Members.Learn More