Media Releases

Statement regarding the decision to remove Judy Desjarlais from office
Effective 12:00 p.m. MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Judy Desjarlais has been removed from her role as Chief of Blueberry River First Nations (Blueberry) by the majority of Council.
This decision was not taken lightly, and was made with great care and consideration.
An independent investigation found that Judy Desjarlais engaged in conduct that violated the bylaws governing Blueberry. Based on these findings, and in accordance with the options laid out in Blueberry’s bylaws, the majority of Council made the difficult decision to remove Judy Desjarlais from office.
“As a Council, we hold a deep responsibility to act in the best interests of our members, and we take this role very seriously,” said Councillor Sherry Dominic. “This action was carried out in full accordance with our bylaws, in order to maintain trust in our governance and to protect the integrity of our bylaws, which are designed to serve and protect all of our members.”

New Pre-Application Engagement Process for Oil & Gas Activities
BUICK, B.C., June 30, 2023 - Blueberry River First Nations (Blueberry) Chief and Council and the Blueberry Lands Department are happy to report that an important action as a result of the Blueberry Implementation Agreement is now taking place.
The January 2023 Blueberry River First Nations Implementation Agreement required the development of a new consultation process with Blueberry on oil and gas activities. Blueberry and the BC Energy Regulator (BCER) have collaborated on the new BRFN/BCER consultation process, including new information requirements and pre-application engagement expectations.

Five First Nations reach settlement with B.C., federal governments on Treaty Land Entitlement claims

Blueberry River First Nations launches new brand and website